مطالعه کتاب Anecdotes for Reflection جلد کلی
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Anecdotes for Reflection


Author(s): Sayyid Ali Akbar Sadaaqat

Publisher(s): The Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities

Category: Kids Corner Ethics

Topic Tags: Anecdotes Reflection Stories Companions

Person Tags: Prophet Muhammad Ahlul Bayt



Moral stories from the lives of the prophets, the Ahlul Bayt, and their companions. Includes topics such as sincerity, hope, altruism, and independence.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

The concept of morality has existed since the creation of mankind. In the old days, there was a clear distinction between ‘good’ morals and ‘bad’ morals although people did not always follow the former. During modern times, the distinction between good and bad has become blurred and morality has been significantly diluted. As a result, there is a danger that immorality will prevail over morality throughout the world.

There is no excuse for a Muslim to get caught in this quagmire. There is clear guidance from God through Holy Qur’an and the Prophets and Ma’soomeen. Prophet Muhammad himself said, “I have been sent as a Prophet for the purpose of perfecting the morals.” One of the best ways of understanding morality is by studying practical examples from the lives of Prophets and Ma’soomeen.

A few books have been written on moral stories emanating from the Islamic world, one of them being ‘Pearls of Wisdom’, published by the Islamic Education Board of World Federation in March 1993. Bearing in mind the importance of the subject of Akhlaaqiyat, IEB-WF is publishing ‘Anecdotes for Reflection’ in 5 parts. The

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